Tuesday, March 12, 2013

getting the most out of your beauty products

I don't know if this has ever been a problem for y'all but when I don't "use up" all of a product, I can't throw it away. This is especially true for me when it comes to makeup, especially those tube type products. I know there is left over mascara, primer, brow gel, etc. in those tubes and sometimes I can even see it! So finally, I came up with a solution.

You can see the product is a brow gel (and the tube is clear so I definitely see the product hanging around). I unscrew the applicator from the tube. Then you will be able to see a "stopper" at the top where the applicator unscrews from. If you use your nails to get in between the stopper and the tube you can begin to pry it loose.

Once you have completely removed the stopper you can throw it out and enjoy the last few uses of your product!

*This can be done with mascaras as well, but remember, using a mascara after 3-4 months or if it smells bad is not hygienic.

Another tip for products in a squeeze tube- if you cut the tube in half width-wise, you can use a q-tip or finger to scoop out more product. I do this a lot with lotions because you never realize how much is actually left at the bottom.

I hope these tips were helpful and taught you something! Let me know how it works for you and how many more uses you've gotten out of products in the comments below!

Always stay happy and healthy! :)

Tschüss, Katharina

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